
Date: 8/23/2009 11:53:07 AM
Nickname: Enigma
Comment: Very wise words. But, what if the love given is not returned ? Does it have no value or worth n become's an Unwanted, unappreciated gift

Date: 8/23/2009 11:44:18 AM
Nickname: Enigma
Comment: Very wise words. But, what if the love given is not returned ? Does it have no value or worth n become's an Unwanted, unappreciated gift

Date: 8/23/2009 11:43:48 AM
Nickname: Enigma
Comment: Very wise words. But, what if the love given is not returned ? Does it have no value or worth n become's an Unwanted, unappreciated gift

Date: 8/23/2009 11:43:39 AM
Nickname: Enigma
Comment: Very wise words. But, what if the love given is not returned ? Does it have no value or worth n become's an Unwanted, unappreciated gift

Date: 2/8/2009 1:55:06 AM
Nickname: chams
Comment: tats so sweet angel

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